U360 IDEAS: Cultivating Equitable Ecosystems
Empowering communities and fostering collective growth for a more equitable future.
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What does U360 IDEAS do?
U360 IDEAS is an idea generator creating and designing strategies towards equitable ecosystems through facilitation, convening, and injecting vital elements of care work for humans to thrive.
U360 IDEAS partners with people working in systems to cultivate a culture centering the needs of the individuals that make up the ecosystem itself. We view ecosystems as any and all groups of people coming together to build power and effectively reach their north star. We invite folks to engage in interactive 'sessions' rooted in intentional relationship building, consistent introspection, and collective committed action
Facilitation for Positive Change


Identifying Challenges
We begin by understanding the obstacles and complexities within a community.


Collaborative Brainstorming
Through facilitated dialogue, we bring diverse perspectives together.


Actionable Solutions
We co-create concrete steps to address the identified challenges.
Convening Thought Leaders
Cross-Sector Collaboration
We bring together leaders from different fields to bridge silos and leverage expertise.
Shared Vision
We foster a collective vision, ensuring all voices are heard and valued.
Innovative Solutions
By tapping into diverse perspectives, we spark new ideas and creative solutions.
Injecting Care Work for Thriving Humans


Emotional Well-being
We prioritize emotional well-being and provide resources for mental health support.


Community Support
We cultivate a strong sense of community and mutual aid, fostering a supportive network.


Accessible Care
We advocate for increased access to care, ensuring equitable access to resources.
Designing Impactful Strategies
Needs Assessment
We conduct thorough research to identify specific needs and challenges.
Goal Setting
We establish clear and measurable goals aligned with community aspirations.
Implementation Plan
We develop a detailed plan outlining strategies and resources for successful implementation.
Fostering Inclusive Collaboration
Equitable Representation
We ensure diverse voices are represented and valued within the decision-making process.
Shared Ownership
We promote a sense of shared ownership and responsibility, fostering collective commitment.
Open Dialogue
We create safe spaces for open dialogue and constructive feedback, encouraging respectful communication.
Unlocking the Power of Creativity
Creative Thinking Techniques
We employ a range of techniques to stimulate creative thinking, including brainstorming, mind mapping, and design thinking.
Innovation and Experimentation
We encourage experimentation and exploration of new ideas, fostering a culture of innovation and risk-taking.
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